Sunday, January 13, 2019

Ben Franklin's Silk Hankie

First things first. I have done work on the Falcon for the first time since I moved to Michigan. It's been a busy year and a half. Initially I had planned to make this a giant post about the garage and the car, but I think I'm gonna separate the topics.

How I feel when I wire an outlet and it doesn't start on fire.
Since August, I have been working on garage electrical in my free time. Electrical (to me at least) is one of those things that seems simple, and then I find out not only is it not simple, but it is very time consuming.  I now know that there is a very good reason electrical work costs so much.

I started out with this electrical layout plan I made in SketchUp. There were a few minor deviations from the plan, but for the most part, this is what I ended up with.

I rented a trencher from Home Depot. The heavy clay soil made this job a lot tougher than I expected.


I then ran 2 conduits in the trench, one for power, and a spare for futureproofing, in case I decide to run a data cable or something like that.

This is the conduit to the main panel.

Main Panel connection. Had to move around a couple breakers and add some tandem breakers to maker room.

Sub-panel with feeder connected.

Lights! I ended up with 11 4 ft T8 fixtures and LED bulbs. Even without drywall, it's pretty bright.

The inspector saved me from myself! he had me replace a couple boxes because they had too many wires in them. That extra 2.2 cubic inches is going to keep me extra safe.
Plenty of outlets on the back wall.
Finally, the finished sub-panel.

I ended up running a 60A 240V feeder, with 3 20A circuits for 120v outlets, a 15A circuit for lights, a 30A 240V circuit for an electric heater, and 2 50A 240V circuits for welder or potential future EV charger.  I'm not totally finished wiring the outlets but the shop is useable. Stay tuned for actual Falcon updates!


  1. ELECTRIC heater, Jesse? Electricity must be WAY cheaper there in Motown than it is here on the Left Coast!!

    Ray Casner (aka, TurboRay)

    1. I'll be honest with ya Ray, I don't know how much the electricity costs! I would have loved to do a gas heater, but it would have been a lot of work (and more permits) that I know nothing about to get a gas line out here. I figure for the few days a month I'll spend out in the garage (life is busy once you have offspring) the extra 10 or 20 bucks per month during the winter won't kill me.

    2. Admittedly, I'm sure it gets much colder during the winter months in your neck of the woods than in mine, Jesse. But, my little 60,000 BTU portable propane garage heater (about $110 from Amazon) keeps my non-insulated 20x30 garage toasty enough to require jacket removal in sub-30° weather. A new 30lb propane bottle was also purchased from the needy Jeff Bezos.....for about $55. The two take up very little space and no permits were required.

      TTFN ~ Ray

  2. Good work Noodle, and thank goodness for inspectors.
